Nesting has consisted of
1.Finding a color for the walls
2. Stripping, sanding and painting (thank you Paul) the chest of drawers we had in the spare that we'll use for her dresser.
3. Putting in a white fan instead of brown. The brown one made the room look real dark.
5. Putting together a book shelf thing that we got for a wedding gift. It will also go in her room.
6. Picked out fabric!! Finally. :)
So things are coming along...slowly.
I would like to make a list of things you normal people should STOP right now taking for granted:
1. Bending over
2. Putting your shoes on (I procrastinate and DREAD putting my shoes on)
3. Reaching for something on the top shelf
4. Standing and cooking
5. Getting out of bed, off the couch, out of a chair and the tub
6. Putting pants on
I for one, will NEVER, EVER take any of those things for granted ever again.
I went to body pump the other day, I felt like a normal contributor to society once again. I was dying yesterday and today from the amount of soreness. But, in a way I liked it. :)
I think I have decided for sure to take all 12 weeks of my maternity leave. Even though we'll be out a whole pay check one month and half a pay check another week, I've heard it's worth it. If I go in on March 7th (her due date) it will be exactly 12 weeks on the last day of school. Soooooo I CANNOT have her early. I'll have to squeeze tight. ;)