BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, February 26, 2013's been a long time.

OMG! SHAME ON ME!!!! I cannot believe I have neglected this thing for this long. How embarrassing! j/k.
Im just going to do a quick run down of what has been going on.

I have had 4 showers from wonderful, wonderful people. We were showered not only with gifts but lots of love and advice.
I had a shower at my prior school at Northwest. I had a shower at my current school at Barron. My sweet friends gave me a diaper shower at Jennifer's house. We got TONS of diapers...I mean TONS. We are both so thankful. Ashley, Melody, Jennifer and Michelle hosted.
My mom's sweet work friends also gave me a shower. I must say she will be the best dressed kid in Hutto. We got some adorable stuff!!

Things are pretty much ready and waiting. I sorta got a slow start at first. I had a panic attack about 2 weekends ago for not having a car seat. That was my big thing. We made a big target trip with gift cards and got a majority of things that we needed. We now have a car seat! Her room is ready. Her bedding is ADORABLE. My mom's friend Kathy Johnson is so talented and did an amazing job on it. It goes perfectly with her orange room. I even washed some of the 0-3 month outfits. We'll see if she fits in doc is saying she is about 9lbs. I just have a hard time believing that.
Now it's just a waiting game.

I started going to weekly appointments to the doctor. Last sonogram and check-up is when they told me she is about 9lbs. I told my doctor that I didn't believe the sonogram, so many times my friends have told me that their doc is telling them that they also have a 9 or 10lber, when they give birth, their baby is like 7lbs. So I am taking that info with a grain of salt. No doubt she is a big girl. When my doctor saw that she was huge I could instantly see his eyes have money signs in them b/c he immediately jumped to scheduling a C-section. I said I am good I'd like to labor first and if I need a C-section from there then I'll do it. Still haven't decided on pain meds. I am on the fence. I will probably end up getting them but I'd like to try without them. We'll see Im sure this thinking will all change when I get my first contraction. I have been having crazy braxton hicks. Paul has to now help me in and out of bed! That's fun.

 My old co-worker Keitha was 4 weeks behind me and had her baby last Saturday at 34 weeks. And it really hit home. This whole birthing thing started getting to me. I am a little scared. Paul mentioned to me in the car the other day "You know, there is going to be a time when I get a call saying you are in labor, and that is the ONE thing I will be focused on and I have NO IDEA when that time will be and that drives. me. nuts." And he's right. Scary....

Oh I had an appointment today ,and I am no dilating. I don't think I will until she comes....she's her Daddy.

I still attempt the gym. I am trying to get there 3-4 times a week. I am doing weights and cardio. It's getting harder and harder with my fun varicose veins. They are sooooo flippin painful! I swear if I could get rid of those veins I would be golden.

Valentine's has come and gone. I was a little sentimental as it will be our last Valentine's day without kids...don't get me wrong Valentine's has really never been a big deal for both of us.But, to think it's our last one as NON parents....I told Paul that he can't love the kid more than me. But I can love the kid more then him. :) He got me flowers, he filled my car with balloons and got me a HUGE card with a box of chocolates....He's a keeper. Last weekend we went on a date to see Silver Lining Playbook then we went and ate at Longhorn steakhouse. IT was a good date. Hopfully there will be more where that came from. :) :)

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