BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, August 19, 2012

11 weeks.

We finally told the world we are pregnant. When I say 'world' I mean "facebook."  I couldn't hack it any longer! I know you are suppose to wait until after  your 1st trimester but I can't keep secrets for that long. I thought waiting til 11 wks was long enough. Everything is going really well. I get these crazy exhaustion spells around 4pm. It's a very inconvenient time, it's too late to take a nap because I won't be able to sleep that night and it's right before dinner time.
My favorite is how everyone is convincing me to find out the sex....and that will be a no-go! It's life's biggest surprise!! It'll be fine. Everyone needs to hold on to their panties and just wait it out. :) My stomach is getting harder and harder everyday. It's still really weird to think I, McKenzie Catania is growing a human inside of me. I JUST CANNOT WRAP MY HEAD AROUND IT!
Today we went to the grocery store and there was this cute lil boy with his dad in the bulk food section. His dad told him to grab the green box. The little boy said "What's in there?" Dad said "bars" The little boy said "you love that kind?" Dad said "yes I do." Anyhow the conversation was very sweet, I guess you had to of been there to understand. During the conversation of course Paul and I just stopped and stared, it was too cute. Paul said after "I can't wait to bring my kid to the grocery store and answer those questions!" lol...Again we are both ecstatic!
I can't remember if I had told you in any previous posts that we got a babysitter, her name is Terri. I know her through a couple of my co-workers. She messaged me on facebook and told me she had 2 openings in the fall of 2013 and if I want one of them (She's very popular) I thought it was pretty cool that she came to ME to ask if I wanted a spot...very sweet. I couldn't pass up the fact that many of my co-workers use her, she provides diapers, formula and food AND she's awesome. We quickly jumped on it. So, one thing to cross off the list. One BIG thing to cross off the list.
This weekend was our good friend H's surprise bday party at Hanovers. We had a good time. I won't lie it was tough not drinking as much as I'd like. I did have a glass of wine, the doc told me I could. So I took full advantage.

Monday, August 13, 2012

10 Weeks

10 know what that means, summer is slowly coming to a close *sigh*...I won't lie I am a bit stressed about this up coming year. I am moving to another school, (I will miss my Northwest family), I am worried about the lack of energy I will have with the kids, After all I need to be on my "A game" at all times with my new boss. Etc..I know things will be just fine. My new team is already fabulous, I really like them.

Today is actually the first day that I will get to move into my new school. We FINALLY have permission to get in. We have a week to prep our rooms before we start the mind numbing professional development you know the meetings where they cram you all in one room and you have to sit and listen to one person explain their philosophy in teaching (because our mind will be focused on that person, not the 5000000000 million things we COULD be doing in our classrooms.)

On a lighter note. Pregnancy in a nut shell is going well. I am eating like crazy!!! I am spending a lot of money on clothes that aren't maternity clothes but are bigger just to get me through the 1st few weeks of school. My new school has a very "professional" dress code as opposed to Northwest which was very casual. I don't feel very "pretty" in a bathing suite anymore. I guess I have never felt "pretty" in a bathing suite but that's the first word that came to mind. I look like a beast. I am pretty done with the non pregnant, but fat look. :) I am very irritable and emotional hence this post. I get mad REAL easy. Poor Paul....
This is just a pic of my living room. I was being a good teacher and organzing my classroom library. Oh, and it still looks like this. :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

9 weeks. :)

so many books to read!!
these are a FEW of my
favorite. :)
9 weeks.......9999999999 weeks. Holy cow, it's going by sooooo slow. I am so ready to tell the world. I am really excited. I KNOW my hubby is so excited as well. He talks to my belly, (don't tell him I told you that)

I have gained 5 pounds so far. I am getting squishier and squishier as each day goes by. I also lose more and more energy each day.  Annnnd I eat more and more each day. It's tough for me to think that all of the hard work that I had done before getting pregnant has sorta gone out the window (working out, eating right). I told myself in the past that when I get pregnant I will eat so clean. Ummm...that's not the case. I have craved things that I have never craved before. I cut out bread completely from my diet for a very very long time.....and I was good with it. I have NEVER craved bread like I do now. It's amazing what the little bean has done to my body and my MIND! :) You know what?? It's all worth it.
 To the right you will see my hairy belly...:) (yes I have a man happy trail, don't judge and yes I shave it, don't judge.) This contraption is made with a hair band. I am no longer my normal size 5....:) I don't quit fit into maturnity clothes and I DON'T fit into my normal clothes. Fun times. Speaking of hair. LOL...on of my best friends, Melody was helping girlfriend out. We were both on the treadmill. After the treadmill she tells me "We are good friends right?" I said "yes" she said "you have a VERY blonde beard going on right now" I said "DO I?" Well I came home and took care of that mess right away. I used one of those electric razor things that you can use for your eyebrows and shaved it all off. And she wasn't kidding! It was ALMOST gross. I guess that has to do with hormones.

The pic below is of this past weekend. We all went to middle and highschool together. In the middle is my dear friend Juan and on the right is my BEST friend Michelle. Michelle and I went to Dallas to visit Juan. We had a blast. That evening we went to a drag show, sooo much fun. I stayed up until 2am! I can't tell you the last time I did that! ANNND it was the first time that I went to a club and didn't have ONE drink, that sorta stunk. But guess who didn't have a hangover the next day?!?! That was me!
 I hope that my baby will have the pleasure to make dear friends like the special people below. That's what life is all about.