BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, August 13, 2012

10 Weeks

10 know what that means, summer is slowly coming to a close *sigh*...I won't lie I am a bit stressed about this up coming year. I am moving to another school, (I will miss my Northwest family), I am worried about the lack of energy I will have with the kids, After all I need to be on my "A game" at all times with my new boss. Etc..I know things will be just fine. My new team is already fabulous, I really like them.

Today is actually the first day that I will get to move into my new school. We FINALLY have permission to get in. We have a week to prep our rooms before we start the mind numbing professional development you know the meetings where they cram you all in one room and you have to sit and listen to one person explain their philosophy in teaching (because our mind will be focused on that person, not the 5000000000 million things we COULD be doing in our classrooms.)

On a lighter note. Pregnancy in a nut shell is going well. I am eating like crazy!!! I am spending a lot of money on clothes that aren't maternity clothes but are bigger just to get me through the 1st few weeks of school. My new school has a very "professional" dress code as opposed to Northwest which was very casual. I don't feel very "pretty" in a bathing suite anymore. I guess I have never felt "pretty" in a bathing suite but that's the first word that came to mind. I look like a beast. I am pretty done with the non pregnant, but fat look. :) I am very irritable and emotional hence this post. I get mad REAL easy. Poor Paul....
This is just a pic of my living room. I was being a good teacher and organzing my classroom library. Oh, and it still looks like this. :)

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