BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas, sprained ankle

 Well Christmas has come and gone.....We spent it with my mom and dad at their house. Melody and Auntie Barb also joined us. Every year my dad says "It's going to be a small Christmas this year" and every year it never is. We make it out of their like bandits. I got a pandora bracelet from Paul and a Kindle Fire from my mom and dad...completely addicted to it. My parents got Paul a grill also, which we needed. They are always wayyy too generous.
Melody, Paul and I decided to go for a nice Christmas walk. (Because we are athletes.) 2 blocks later...I must've not seen a curb, it was pretty much like slow motion I remember falling and screaming bloody murder at the same time crumbling to the ground. Melody instantly laughed, Paul ran up not knowing what was going on. I couldn't talk because I was just shocked. I tried to get up and new instantly that Paul needed to go and get a car to take me back to the house. Yes, folks.....I sprained my ankle. The pain was excrusiating!!! AWFUL!!!! I was thinking to myself, 30 weeks pregnant I am already dying because most days my groin feels like it's either ready to deliever a baby or it's going to fall off and I just sprained my flippin ankle....REALLY???! Story of my life. So after opening presents I spent the rest of my Christmas on the couch. Going to the bathroom every ehh 15 minutes because that's what pregnant people do. Paul had to help me each way unable to put any pressure on my foot. Once again Paul gets the prize of taking care of me and waiting on me hand and foot (literally.) He's so patient and I am so lucky. I nursed my ankle all day yesterday (day after Christmas). Today I am determined to get out of this house. I am feeling much better:

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