I feel bad I've been complaining a whole lot in these posts but it's the truth. Pregnancy sucks!! I am sick of this whole sciatic pain, I have also developed these awesome huge blue veins in my groin. They throb when I stand or walk and radiate heat!! It's awful!! I can't be on my feet or walk for any length of time before I have to sit and rest. Once again, my poor husband. I can't thank him enough for putting up with me. I ask him to do stuff and he doesn't complain or question. Love him!
I do like when she kicks. <3. She's kicking as we speak.
I finally got the Christmas stuff up in the house. Now for the Christmas shopping....I use to get excited about Christmas shopping, but not looking forward to the fun pain I'll have to put up with while doing it. (Speaking of, I had to sit while cooking today at the stove...) ridiculous!
I've been looking at bedding to try to get ideas. My mom has a good friend at work that has been willing to make me some. I'm very excited! I am liking the chevron pattern. But we'll see what I end up with.
I figured I'll pick out colors then go from there.
OMG!! I FOUND A LONG TERM SUB!! She subbed for my co-worker's class a few weeks ago and I snapped her up. She's taught before in Manor and just had a baby. I'm confident she will be great with my kids. It's a huge load off my back. :)
Check out this place http://www.babybedding.com That is who I designed Stella's bedding through. It's not cheap.. but its good quality and I absolutely love that you can play with all the patterns online and see what it will look like. AND you can sign up for a baby registry and people can buy you the bedding items or gift cards towards it just like anything else.