BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

1 month and counting

Wow...time is flying by. My sweet little girl is growing up so fast, I see something different about her everyday! Mommy hood is becoming easier and easier each day. I feel like I now know what each cry means and we are slowly but surly getting into some kind of routine. She is a wonderful baby. I am very spoiled. She has been sleeping  in between feedings every 4 to sometimes 6 hours at night!! She likes to coo and smile when she wakes up around 10 or 11am for a good hour. Around 2 or 3 she starts to get's not anything I can't handle. :) She goes down for the night around 9 or 10.
Breastfeeding has also become easier, I am getting to the point where I enjoy it. I panic when I have to run errands in between feedings, thinking I might have to breast feed in public. Haven't gotten quit use to that.
I am a nervous wreck when we go into loud noisy restaurants with her. She usually sleeps right through it but for some reason I think she might get over simulated or something. Again it's something I need to figure out for myself and just get over it.
Yes, I was one of those moms that was so adamant about putting her on her back to sleep. She didn't like it. I finally reverted to letting her sleep on her stomach. It was a tough transition for me but for her, she was in heaven. Because she sleeps on her stomach she is much more of a sound sleeper. Yes mom and Kathy you were correct..
I am figuring out that she loves music and noise. She sleeps through noisy restaurants and gets her best sleep when she is with a bunch of screaming toddlers. I am thinking because I taught while pregnant and was around a bunch of screaming I mean 7 and 8 year olds. :)
Her daddy loves her. He is so stinkin calm all of the time, it almost gets on my nerves. She loves her daddy too. She is very at ease with him and is quiet and calm once he holds her.
Maternity leave has been amazing so far. I love this lil girl so much. She brightens my day every time I see her smiling and grumpy face.  ;) She's a keeper.
Ohh!!! This past weekend was my birthday. My best friend Ashley came in to see me from Dallas. As always we had a blast. We laughed the entire time she was here. She had gotten together some of my friends at the Park at the Domain for dinner and drinks. It was so much fun. It was the most I drank since I had gotten pregnant. I had to pump and dump of course when I got home. :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL I was never comfortable b-feeding in public either... I would pre-pump bottles, or pump while we were out, and were driving. LOL
