BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 1 one told me about the first week of being a new mommy with a new born..ugh. Don't get me wrong I love the crap out of that little girl. She is the light of my life. It's me that I am having to deal with. I didn't know about the waking up to cold sweats, the whirlwind of emotions, the crying about silly things, walking on pins and needles, and constantly asking myself "is that normal?" "should she be doing that?"'s never ending. Each day that has gone by I feel better. But, I am still not myself.
She is doing pretty well throughout the night. I finally opted to the paci yesterday, we decided that she needed something to pacify because she was always acting hungry. She took to it right away. Her feedings are going well. When she feeds she farts like a's hilarious. Paul has been wonderful. He helps with everything, he knew how to swaddle and change diapers before I did because I was unable to walk for so long. He's an excellent swaddler. I still need practice....
She hates being changed and dressed. She loves to sleep on your chest skin to skin. When you try to burp her she falls asleep. She smells like flowers!! Really she does. I don't understand it. She gets the hiccups all of the time just like she did in my womb. When she nurses she kneads and grabs her face. She's perfect! And she's not ugly! I was so afraid of having an ugly baby.
We had our first doctor's appointment today. She is now up to 9lbs 5oz. We no longer have to time between her feedings. :) After the doctor she had her first public outing at Baris Italian restaurant. She did so well.

1 comment:

  1. Stella did that too.... nursing all the time... if I nursed or gave her a bottle she would take it EVERY TIME! No matter if she was hungry or not and then she would throw it up! She never did take to the paci though... she used it a handful of times.. but mostly now that she can take it out of her mouth and put it back in she likes to bite it.. lol better it than me.
