BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, September 8, 2012

12, 13, 14 weeks!!

omg.......3 weeks have gone by. Oops. Let's just say I've been a tad bit busy, actually "a tad" is an understatement. The past 3 weeks. I have moved into a brand new school, I have begun and ended my first AND second week of school, I have also had my 12 week sonogram (which was soo cool.)
School: School has been tough, exhausting, rewarding and fun all at the same time. It has been hard not being with my Northwest family. I miss them tons. At the same time I have made some GREAT friends here at Barron. I love my team, I am slowly enjoying the kids. When I say that it's been tough. I have been thrown into a completely new enviornment, not knowing ANY of the kids except for the handful that are from Northwest, and my classroom doesn't quit feel like "home" yet. I know it will there. :)

oh this is just a fun pic that paul took. After he took it he said "pregnant, barefoot, in the kitchen." Just the way I like my wife.....nasty man, I know.
Pregnancy: It's been going really smoothly. I finally entered into my 2nd trimester this last Thursday. I have felt the flutters from the baby. It's mostly at night when I am still and REALLY concentrating. It's a pretty strange feeling. My boobs are still SUPER sore and itchy (which means they are growing, don't know how they can possibly grow any bigger.) School has kicked my butt, I don't know if it's pregnancy mixing in with the whole exhaustion thing but I am soo tired. Yesterday was Friday, I came home wanting my bed so bad I could taste it. You know how you are so tired your body aches and have a headache? Well, that's how I was feeling.
Something that also struck me and keeps me thinking. I was in a meeting the other day they gave us a layout of our testing dates. I looked at the testing dates for March, April and May. And thought to myself "wow, I"ll have a baby then." It's weird how things make other things "real."
Sonogram: Paul and I had our 12 week sonogram. It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool! They did the sonogram outside my stomach this time. The baby WAS real low in my abdomen. It's finally starting to look like a lil human being. It was moving up and down and sucking its thumb or maybe just putting it's hand up to it's face. We also got to hear the heartbeat. I continue to look at the sonogram pics and just think "wow." Oh we also got a DVD. So neat. Can't wait to go back.
Well that's my life in a nut shell so far. I forgot to add my face is sooo broken out.


  1. You think your boobs can't get wait. Speak it all in. I know what you mean though....every mile stone now is measured by how old stella will be then.
