BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, September 30, 2012

16 and 17 weeks

Getting behind once again. This job is killing me! I was telling my co-workers that I have NEVER worked so hard in my life. Someone asked "Not even your first year of teaching?" I said "Not even my first year of teaching....." I keep telling myself that something has to give, but then I ask myself, what? And I can't answer that question because I need everything that I am doing....oh well.
Pregnancy is going smoothly. I don't know if I said anything in my last post but I'm real frustrated because of my 55+ hours that I am putting in at work I am unable to get to the gym as much. And when I do get there I am just exhausted. I have noticed that my back as been KILLING me and I really think the gym will alleviate some of the pain off my lower back.
We go for our 18 week check up on Tuesday to find out the sex! Yes, folks we are finding out. We were first going to put the sex in an envelope then have them use that color frosting in the cake and find out as a family with Paul's mom and my parents this coming up weekend. But, if I am going to find out, I want to find out then and there. Paul agrees because when the doc says the sex, Paul wants to be able to ask "are you sure?" I think we will still keep it a secret from our parents until Saturday.
Sleeping sorta sucks. Turning over in the middle of the night when you have to pee is the pits.
I have to pee all of the time. I feel movements at night. As soon as I put my hand on the movements they stop. I still have crazy heart palapitations at night also. Have you noticed a pattern? Everything is happening at night...weird right? I am STILL eating like a horse. :)

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