Well folks, you all got your wish. We found out the sex. We are having a GIRL! We are both very excited and SUPER shocked. I think we were both thinking it was a boy b/c of Paul's side. Who knew?!?
Nana Kathy came into town ! |

Last Tuesday we went for a anatomy sonogram I was 17 weeks then. I had to split up my kids, leave school early for my appointment. Paul had to take a half day so he could make the appointment. When we got there, the sonogram lady came to talk to us before the sonogram. She sat down and asked us why we thought we would be getting anatomy today? I told her because the nurse told me to make an appointment and say "anatomy" at my last appointment. The sonogram lady told us that they had the wrong due date down and that today's appointment would be a few "fun shots" she wouldn't even tell insurance that she was doing this and she would try to see if she could find out the sex. And then I could come back at 20 weeks to for another appointment. I said "uhhh no, that's not possible you don't understand what we had to do to even get to this appointment." Of course I was about to cry, Paul was about to lose it. I told her that if she wasn't sure what the sex was, I didn't want to know, I only wanted to know if she was sure.
1st outfit in her closet! |
There SHE is! :) |
We ended up doing the sonogram, it was real boring. She was measuring everything. I remember when the lady skimmed over her butt and saying out loud "it looks like a girl to me." I didn't see anything sticking out. Finally at the very end she looked at the tush again and told us we have a daughter. I almost fell outta my chair I was so shocked. Paul just smiled. :) Could not believe it.
We were going to wait and hold off on telling the parents until Saturday. My mother in law was planning on coming in this weekend, we were going to have dinner for both parents and tell the news. Well, Paul pretty much nailed it on the head. Don't have a sonogram on Tuesday and expect to keep the information until Saturday. We ended up telling both parents Wednesday night. Both sides are super excited. My dad swore up and down it was a boy. Once again he was wrong. (He thought I was a boy also.)
We thought it was going to be a boy too... but the truth is it is easier to get pregnant with girls... our swimmers last longer.. they are the turtles in the turtle and the hare race. :) Even though we thought Stella would be a boy, I couldn't imagine her being anything other than the beautiful little girl she is and you will feel the same way! Girls are so much fun anyways!