HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Well almost... Halloween is on a Wednesday, that pretty much sucks.
Paul and I went to a Halloween party last night at his co-workers house. He was the Biebs nad I was a marine. I was going to sport my Lego costume again this year but chose not to cause I can't sit in it...womp womp. We were ehhhhhh one of maybe 4 people that dressed up. (that wasn't awkward ;))

Last weekend I caved in a bought this ugly belly band thing that helps my back. My back has been KILLING me. I bought it at Babies R' Us. My friends have been telling me that I need to start registering for baby showers my first one isn't til Jan. I didn't think I needed to start this soon. So I went ahead and did it. I am completely turned off by baby stuff right now because it is just so overwhelming. There is too much out there. We ended up registering for who knows what.

My friend Shannon and I went to this Modern Mom's thing at a place called Plug and Play. They served us dinner and we got to look at a handful of the newest baby items out there. They had the Bob stroller, Joovy walkers, expensive breast pumps and some other high end stuff. They raffled off all of the items. We each got to pick a number. There was 30 people in the room, and I got number 27...that is usually my luck. :) Shannon got 18. Shannon ended up with an expensive breast pump and I got a SIDS detector. You attach this thing to the baby's diaper (it's real small) and when the baby stops breathing or moving the SIDS thing will vibrate to get the baby to move, if the baby still doesn't move it sets off this alarm. My question was...then what? It'll either be a life savor or drive me insane.

This week was red ribbon week. The last day of the week we all had to dress up as what we wanted to be when we grew up. I dressed up as a Marine again (the only thing that was in the house.) It was fun.
Around 20 weeks I really started feeling her. She likes to move at night, right before bed, around 10am during my planning time, and in the morning right when I wake up. It's a really really cool feeling. You can even see my stomach move. So strange, but so cool. I'm excited to feel limbs. She doesn't like it when you put your or my hand on my stomach she stops then, Paul has felt her once.
Hey, McKenzie. It's Dasha, former Au-Pair for Shine family. I love reading your blogs, I really miss being pregnant. I wanted to congratulate you guys with this little miracle that is happening. This is the bet thing that can happen to a family. I also anted to say that both, Jack and Kate would stop moving when I put my hand on my stomach, but if I kept it for few minutes they would start moving again. It's like they were checking out whose hand it was and when they were sure it was mine they would start moving.
ReplyDeleteI registered like two months before my first shower only to find that a lot of the things I had registered for had been discontinued and I had to register for new stuff.. What a PAIN!!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, you are halfway there! :)