BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, July 19, 2012

7 weeks, REALLY!

2nd time writing this...I deleted the first one.
I am getting pretty frustrated trying to upload the parents reactions of the big news. It just won't upload everytime I try!
I went to a new doctor on Tuesday. Fell in love with him. His name is Dr. Phillips. He took his time asking questions about how Paul and I met, if we were excited about being pregnant etc...I was very pleased. Best of all, I got a sonogram. I got to see my lil bean of a baby and his or her heartbeat. Best feeling in the world!! You know how people hand you their sonogram pictures and you are like "eh," because you don't really get it? Well, wait until you get your own, Holy cow! It gives you a completely different perspective. SO. COOL. He measured him or her, and it's about a 4 cm, I believe. I don't know anything about cm, so I don't know how accurate that is. (Hi, I teach the future.) ;) That makes me 7 weeks today, not 9. Paul was unable to go to the appointment so Melody and my mom got to join me. Dr. Phillips said that the next appointment he might be able to determine the sex. I don't want to find out (It's lifes biggest surprise) Paul does. He is convinced it's a boy. I am ok with either one. My due date is March 7th 3 days before Paul's bday! :)
I have been feeling nauciuos in the morning still. Yesterday morning I had to wait in the gym parking lot for about 15 minutes to try to get a hold of myself before I went in because I feel like I was going to blow chunks. But I got lucky and didn't.
Here is an email from my mom after the sonogram, I thought it was sweet. (She is not excited at all)

I just have to tell you that I saw a wondrous thing today. The heart beat of my grandchild first. It is still hard to believe that my baby girl is having a baby!! Seeing that today brought back so many memories of 29 years ago. I drove home in a fog. Your dad and I are so proud and happy. I just didn’t want to leave without telling you that. We love you both.
Mom- aka Grandma
and my response:
It really was 29 years ago!! It's about the same timeline. I couldn't ask for better grandparents for my son or daughter! I won't lie I think I was born to be a mom and can't wait! So happy that I have parents that are loving and supportive which makes having a baby so much for exciting!
Love you!!! :)

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