BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What can I do, what can't I do? That is the question....

Sooo, knowing that I am pregnant I have done lots of reading on the inte net, lots of talking to friends. I have decided to stop reading on the Internet, there is wayyyyyyyyy too much crap. Bottom line that I have gotten from all the reading is to just stop living. It's absolutely crazy!
Another thing, I went to my first appointment yesterday, very disappointing. They sat me down, and together we went through this book of stuff that I already know.  They didn't give me any examination. Again they just told me of stuff that I cannot do. She had asked if I worked out, I told her I did. She asked me what I do to work out, I told her cardio and weights. She continued to say "Well you can't lift weights anymore." I said "uhhh no." When I said that she changed it to "You can't lift anything more then 20lbs or anything that would make you bare down." I thought to myself that's more like it. I run the show lady! NOT YOU! They are still going off the 1st day of my last period and I am considered 8 1/2 weeks. Next Thursday I have another appointment and I'll get a full physical thing, they said they'll measure my uterus. Whatever that means. ;)
Overall I am doing well. My uterus continues to feel like it's going to fall out of me, I also have a hard time sleeping. I guess that is all normal. Again we are super excited!

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