Wow...time is flying by. My sweet little girl is growing up so fast, I see something different about her everyday! Mommy hood is becoming easier and easier each day. I feel like I now know what each cry means and we are slowly but surly getting into some kind of routine. She is a wonderful baby. I am very spoiled. She has been sleeping in between feedings every 4 to sometimes 6 hours at night!! She likes to coo and smile when she wakes up around 10 or 11am for a good hour. Around 2 or 3 she starts to get's not anything I can't handle. :) She goes down for the night around 9 or 10.
Breastfeeding has also become easier, I am getting to the point where I enjoy it. I panic when I have to run errands in between feedings, thinking I might have to breast feed in public. Haven't gotten quit use to that.
I am a nervous wreck when we go into loud noisy restaurants with her. She usually sleeps right through it but for some reason I think she might get over simulated or something. Again it's something I need to figure out for myself and just get over it.
Yes, I was one of those moms that was so adamant about putting her on her back to sleep. She didn't like it. I finally reverted to letting her sleep on her stomach. It was a tough transition for me but for her, she was in heaven. Because she sleeps on her stomach she is much more of a sound sleeper. Yes mom and Kathy you were correct..
I am figuring out that she loves music and noise. She sleeps through noisy restaurants and gets her best sleep when she is with a bunch of screaming toddlers. I am thinking because I taught while pregnant and was around a bunch of screaming I mean 7 and 8 year olds. :)
Her daddy loves her. He is so stinkin calm all of the time, it almost gets on my nerves. She loves her daddy too. She is very at ease with him and is quiet and calm once he holds her.
Maternity leave has been amazing so far. I love this lil girl so much. She brightens my day every time I see her smiling and grumpy face. ;) She's a keeper.
Ohh!!! This past weekend was my birthday. My best friend Ashley came in to see me from Dallas. As always we had a blast. We laughed the entire time she was here. She had gotten together some of my friends at the Park at the Domain for dinner and drinks. It was so much fun. It was the most I drank since I had gotten pregnant. I had to pump and dump of course when I got home. :)
My name is McKenzie. I am a teacher and wife to my husband Paul. We were married on June 17th 2011. We have 2 dogs named Bailey and Nellee. We recently found out we are expecting in March! Living life to the fullest.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Week 1 one told me about the first week of being a new mommy with a new born..ugh. Don't get me wrong I love the crap out of that little girl. She is the light of my life. It's me that I am having to deal with. I didn't know about the waking up to cold sweats, the whirlwind of emotions, the crying about silly things, walking on pins and needles, and constantly asking myself "is that normal?" "should she be doing that?"'s never ending. Each day that has gone by I feel better. But, I am still not myself.
She is doing pretty well throughout the night. I finally opted to the paci yesterday, we decided that she needed something to pacify because she was always acting hungry. She took to it right away. Her feedings are going well. When she feeds she farts like a's hilarious. Paul has been wonderful. He helps with everything, he knew how to swaddle and change diapers before I did because I was unable to walk for so long. He's an excellent swaddler. I still need practice....
She hates being changed and dressed. She loves to sleep on your chest skin to skin. When you try to burp her she falls asleep. She smells like flowers!! Really she does. I don't understand it. She gets the hiccups all of the time just like she did in my womb. When she nurses she kneads and grabs her face. She's perfect! And she's not ugly! I was so afraid of having an ugly baby.
We had our first doctor's appointment today. She is now up to 9lbs 5oz. We no longer have to time between her feedings. :) After the doctor she had her first public outing at Baris Italian restaurant. She did so well.
She is doing pretty well throughout the night. I finally opted to the paci yesterday, we decided that she needed something to pacify because she was always acting hungry. She took to it right away. Her feedings are going well. When she feeds she farts like a's hilarious. Paul has been wonderful. He helps with everything, he knew how to swaddle and change diapers before I did because I was unable to walk for so long. He's an excellent swaddler. I still need practice....
She hates being changed and dressed. She loves to sleep on your chest skin to skin. When you try to burp her she falls asleep. She smells like flowers!! Really she does. I don't understand it. She gets the hiccups all of the time just like she did in my womb. When she nurses she kneads and grabs her face. She's perfect! And she's not ugly! I was so afraid of having an ugly baby.
We had our first doctor's appointment today. She is now up to 9lbs 5oz. We no longer have to time between her feedings. :) After the doctor she had her first public outing at Baris Italian restaurant. She did so well.
She's here!!! She's here!! Who would of thought she would ever come. She came Monday March 11th at 3:09 am 3 hours after Paul's bday.....My last day of work was the 7th. After the 7th it was just a waiting game. Then the 10th rolled around (Paul's Bday) I woke up on the 10th just not feeling myself. I was having stronger contractions then usual. Paul's mom came to visit for Paul's bday (so she says ;) ) The contractions got stronger and shorter intervals throughout the day. I did squats in the neighborhood on the curb, I did squats in the house. We went to the grocery store trying to act like it was a normal day. We got home made dinner, I made a bday cake for Paul for his birthday.
After dinner Kathy went home. I told her that I thought she should stay because by the time she gets to Houston she will have to turn around again because I knew something was up. She said that if she didn't drive back to Houston that nothing would happen. When she left the neighbors Kent and Sharon came over to have birthday cake. By then I was now timing my contractions. They were about 5 minutes apart and getting significantly closer. I went to the restroom and realized I was losing my mucus plug. Sharon thought we should head to the hospital. I didn't want to go just yet, because I didn't want them to send me back home. So I waited a little while longer. Melinda our other neighbor also a paramedic came over asked me a few questions and thought we should head to the hospital. So Paul and I went in that direction.
On the way to the entrance of the hospital my water broke. It wasn't a lot. We checked in the nurse told me I was dilated at a 3, my water had broke, and I was about 70% effaced. Which meant I was able to stay. :) Paul called his mom to tell her we were staying. She was at Giddings at that time. She drove all the way back to Houston picked up Joey and drove back to Austin. :)
They prepped me for the delivery room hooked me up to all of these machines, told me to get some rest. lol.....yea right. I did my best. During the "resting time" the lady next door was having a baby without an epidural, or pain medications. She was screaming and crying it was so loud that I started crying a freaking out. To only find out she didn't have an epidural. Thank goodness!!
The nurses came in and out to check on me to see if I had dilated anymore. They had already given me an epidural. One particular time all of the nurses came running in and quickly told me to turn over and get on all fours with my butt up in the air and my head down. Freaking out I obeyed them. They told me that I was changing positions because the baby wasn't liking how I was laying, her blood pressure was dropping. They did this a few times. That was hella scary.
Finally the doctor came in and looked at my contractions and said that I needed a C-section because the contractions were stressing the baby out and making her blood pressure lower significantly. By then I was at a 7. Everything was progressing ok but the baby wasn't liking the contractions for some reason. I was ok with a c-section. Everyone that I had talked to had said they didn't mind the c-section. So I said sure....lets do this!
They prepped me for a c-section. I think it was the Demerol that started making me shake uncontrollably. I HATED IT! I couldn't stop. They took me to another room for surgery. The doctor said that it would take about 15 minutes before we got to meet Myka. The C-section part was awful. You couldn't feel anything sharp, all you could feel was snipping, tugging, etc....It seemed like it took forever. I think it took them a total of 30 minutes to pull her out, and sew me back up. When they pulled her out I felt an instant relief. I heard them say that the cord was wrapped around her neck one time. But I heard her cry so I was ok. At that point I honestly didn't care that they had pulled her out, I was more worried about them getting me back together again. It was the weirdest, most horrific feeling in the world. I could hear Paul say "Myka, Myyykkka." They weighed her at 9lbs 2oz! I couldn't believe it!!! They bundled her up and showed her to me. She was so sweet looking. I remember saying out loud I can't wrap my mind around the fact I was now a mom. So many thoughts were going through my head. I kept asking the doctor how much much longer. I hated the whole process.
They took me to a recovery room so I could get rid of the shakes, they gave me morphine I believe to help with the shakes. The lactation consultant brought me Myka, I got to nurse her for the 1st time. I was still in shock. My mom and dad, Joey, Kathy and Paul all came in to see me.
Finally they took me to a more comfortable recovery room where Paul and I stayed for 4 long days. Day 2 of recovering from a C-section I honestly thought I was going to die. Each day got better. When they took the dressings off my incision they wanted me to walk around the hospital. I cried the whole time. But, thank God I did. I think the incision got better each time I went walking. The nights at the hospital were the worse. I was getting surges of hormones that kept me up. Each time I would close my eyes thoughts would go through my head 10000 miles an hour, I would have terror dreams of the C-section.
Myka did really well at the hospital. The staff was so sweet and helpful, they loved on her and on I needed lots of love and attention. :) We ended up leaving the hospital on the 14th to come home to start our sweet family.
After dinner Kathy went home. I told her that I thought she should stay because by the time she gets to Houston she will have to turn around again because I knew something was up. She said that if she didn't drive back to Houston that nothing would happen. When she left the neighbors Kent and Sharon came over to have birthday cake. By then I was now timing my contractions. They were about 5 minutes apart and getting significantly closer. I went to the restroom and realized I was losing my mucus plug. Sharon thought we should head to the hospital. I didn't want to go just yet, because I didn't want them to send me back home. So I waited a little while longer. Melinda our other neighbor also a paramedic came over asked me a few questions and thought we should head to the hospital. So Paul and I went in that direction.
On the way to the entrance of the hospital my water broke. It wasn't a lot. We checked in the nurse told me I was dilated at a 3, my water had broke, and I was about 70% effaced. Which meant I was able to stay. :) Paul called his mom to tell her we were staying. She was at Giddings at that time. She drove all the way back to Houston picked up Joey and drove back to Austin. :)
They prepped me for the delivery room hooked me up to all of these machines, told me to get some rest. lol.....yea right. I did my best. During the "resting time" the lady next door was having a baby without an epidural, or pain medications. She was screaming and crying it was so loud that I started crying a freaking out. To only find out she didn't have an epidural. Thank goodness!!
The nurses came in and out to check on me to see if I had dilated anymore. They had already given me an epidural. One particular time all of the nurses came running in and quickly told me to turn over and get on all fours with my butt up in the air and my head down. Freaking out I obeyed them. They told me that I was changing positions because the baby wasn't liking how I was laying, her blood pressure was dropping. They did this a few times. That was hella scary.
Finally the doctor came in and looked at my contractions and said that I needed a C-section because the contractions were stressing the baby out and making her blood pressure lower significantly. By then I was at a 7. Everything was progressing ok but the baby wasn't liking the contractions for some reason. I was ok with a c-section. Everyone that I had talked to had said they didn't mind the c-section. So I said sure....lets do this!
They prepped me for a c-section. I think it was the Demerol that started making me shake uncontrollably. I HATED IT! I couldn't stop. They took me to another room for surgery. The doctor said that it would take about 15 minutes before we got to meet Myka. The C-section part was awful. You couldn't feel anything sharp, all you could feel was snipping, tugging, etc....It seemed like it took forever. I think it took them a total of 30 minutes to pull her out, and sew me back up. When they pulled her out I felt an instant relief. I heard them say that the cord was wrapped around her neck one time. But I heard her cry so I was ok. At that point I honestly didn't care that they had pulled her out, I was more worried about them getting me back together again. It was the weirdest, most horrific feeling in the world. I could hear Paul say "Myka, Myyykkka." They weighed her at 9lbs 2oz! I couldn't believe it!!! They bundled her up and showed her to me. She was so sweet looking. I remember saying out loud I can't wrap my mind around the fact I was now a mom. So many thoughts were going through my head. I kept asking the doctor how much much longer. I hated the whole process.
They took me to a recovery room so I could get rid of the shakes, they gave me morphine I believe to help with the shakes. The lactation consultant brought me Myka, I got to nurse her for the 1st time. I was still in shock. My mom and dad, Joey, Kathy and Paul all came in to see me.
Finally they took me to a more comfortable recovery room where Paul and I stayed for 4 long days. Day 2 of recovering from a C-section I honestly thought I was going to die. Each day got better. When they took the dressings off my incision they wanted me to walk around the hospital. I cried the whole time. But, thank God I did. I think the incision got better each time I went walking. The nights at the hospital were the worse. I was getting surges of hormones that kept me up. Each time I would close my eyes thoughts would go through my head 10000 miles an hour, I would have terror dreams of the C-section.
Myka did really well at the hospital. The staff was so sweet and helpful, they loved on her and on I needed lots of love and attention. :) We ended up leaving the hospital on the 14th to come home to start our sweet family.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
39 weeks
I am FREAKING OUT about labor. I won't lie I have cried a few times. I am sooo scared. I am unable to sleep at night because I am terrified that my water will break in the middle of the night. AHHHH!! It's just too much. It's all a waiting game now....
I have been cleaning and organizing like crazy. I had 2 sweet co-workers and friends that helped me organize and clean my classroom. It took a huge stress off of my shoulders. I can leave work now feeling SOMEWHAT prepared. I am still not where I should be.
I have been having a lot of contractions nothing consistant though. My groin still feels like it MIGHT just fall off. Crazy stuff has been coming out of my nipples..ugh. When she moves around there is nothing tiny about it. My whole entire stomach looks like a tidal wave. Poor girl doesn't have much more room. I keep telling her that I promise things look much better outside of the womb then inside. I don't know about her but I am done sharing my body. :)
I pre-registared for the hospital today!!
The picture of me holding the 39 week sign is awful!! I look HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEE!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013's been a long time.
OMG! SHAME ON ME!!!! I cannot believe I have neglected this thing for this long. How embarrassing! j/k.
Im just going to do a quick run down of what has been going on.
I have had 4 showers from wonderful, wonderful people. We were showered not only with gifts but lots of love and advice.
I had a shower at my prior school at Northwest. I had a shower at my current school at Barron. My sweet friends gave me a diaper shower at Jennifer's house. We got TONS of diapers...I mean TONS. We are both so thankful. Ashley, Melody, Jennifer and Michelle hosted.
My mom's sweet work friends also gave me a shower. I must say she will be the best dressed kid in Hutto. We got some adorable stuff!!
Things are pretty much ready and waiting. I sorta got a slow start at first. I had a panic attack about 2 weekends ago for not having a car seat. That was my big thing. We made a big target trip with gift cards and got a majority of things that we needed. We now have a car seat! Her room is ready. Her bedding is ADORABLE. My mom's friend Kathy Johnson is so talented and did an amazing job on it. It goes perfectly with her orange room. I even washed some of the 0-3 month outfits. We'll see if she fits in doc is saying she is about 9lbs. I just have a hard time believing that.
Now it's just a waiting game.
I started going to weekly appointments to the doctor. Last sonogram and check-up is when they told me she is about 9lbs. I told my doctor that I didn't believe the sonogram, so many times my friends have told me that their doc is telling them that they also have a 9 or 10lber, when they give birth, their baby is like 7lbs. So I am taking that info with a grain of salt. No doubt she is a big girl. When my doctor saw that she was huge I could instantly see his eyes have money signs in them b/c he immediately jumped to scheduling a C-section. I said I am good I'd like to labor first and if I need a C-section from there then I'll do it. Still haven't decided on pain meds. I am on the fence. I will probably end up getting them but I'd like to try without them. We'll see Im sure this thinking will all change when I get my first contraction. I have been having crazy braxton hicks. Paul has to now help me in and out of bed! That's fun.
My old co-worker Keitha was 4 weeks behind me and had her baby last Saturday at 34 weeks. And it really hit home. This whole birthing thing started getting to me. I am a little scared. Paul mentioned to me in the car the other day "You know, there is going to be a time when I get a call saying you are in labor, and that is the ONE thing I will be focused on and I have NO IDEA when that time will be and that drives. me. nuts." And he's right. Scary....
Oh I had an appointment today ,and I am no dilating. I don't think I will until she comes....she's her Daddy.
I still attempt the gym. I am trying to get there 3-4 times a week. I am doing weights and cardio. It's getting harder and harder with my fun varicose veins. They are sooooo flippin painful! I swear if I could get rid of those veins I would be golden.
Valentine's has come and gone. I was a little sentimental as it will be our last Valentine's day without kids...don't get me wrong Valentine's has really never been a big deal for both of us.But, to think it's our last one as NON parents....I told Paul that he can't love the kid more than me. But I can love the kid more then him. :) He got me flowers, he filled my car with balloons and got me a HUGE card with a box of chocolates....He's a keeper. Last weekend we went on a date to see Silver Lining Playbook then we went and ate at Longhorn steakhouse. IT was a good date. Hopfully there will be more where that came from. :) :)
Im just going to do a quick run down of what has been going on.
I have had 4 showers from wonderful, wonderful people. We were showered not only with gifts but lots of love and advice.
I had a shower at my prior school at Northwest. I had a shower at my current school at Barron. My sweet friends gave me a diaper shower at Jennifer's house. We got TONS of diapers...I mean TONS. We are both so thankful. Ashley, Melody, Jennifer and Michelle hosted.
My mom's sweet work friends also gave me a shower. I must say she will be the best dressed kid in Hutto. We got some adorable stuff!!
Things are pretty much ready and waiting. I sorta got a slow start at first. I had a panic attack about 2 weekends ago for not having a car seat. That was my big thing. We made a big target trip with gift cards and got a majority of things that we needed. We now have a car seat! Her room is ready. Her bedding is ADORABLE. My mom's friend Kathy Johnson is so talented and did an amazing job on it. It goes perfectly with her orange room. I even washed some of the 0-3 month outfits. We'll see if she fits in doc is saying she is about 9lbs. I just have a hard time believing that.
Now it's just a waiting game.
I started going to weekly appointments to the doctor. Last sonogram and check-up is when they told me she is about 9lbs. I told my doctor that I didn't believe the sonogram, so many times my friends have told me that their doc is telling them that they also have a 9 or 10lber, when they give birth, their baby is like 7lbs. So I am taking that info with a grain of salt. No doubt she is a big girl. When my doctor saw that she was huge I could instantly see his eyes have money signs in them b/c he immediately jumped to scheduling a C-section. I said I am good I'd like to labor first and if I need a C-section from there then I'll do it. Still haven't decided on pain meds. I am on the fence. I will probably end up getting them but I'd like to try without them. We'll see Im sure this thinking will all change when I get my first contraction. I have been having crazy braxton hicks. Paul has to now help me in and out of bed! That's fun.
My old co-worker Keitha was 4 weeks behind me and had her baby last Saturday at 34 weeks. And it really hit home. This whole birthing thing started getting to me. I am a little scared. Paul mentioned to me in the car the other day "You know, there is going to be a time when I get a call saying you are in labor, and that is the ONE thing I will be focused on and I have NO IDEA when that time will be and that drives. me. nuts." And he's right. Scary....
Oh I had an appointment today ,and I am no dilating. I don't think I will until she comes....she's her Daddy.
I still attempt the gym. I am trying to get there 3-4 times a week. I am doing weights and cardio. It's getting harder and harder with my fun varicose veins. They are sooooo flippin painful! I swear if I could get rid of those veins I would be golden.
Valentine's has come and gone. I was a little sentimental as it will be our last Valentine's day without kids...don't get me wrong Valentine's has really never been a big deal for both of us.But, to think it's our last one as NON parents....I told Paul that he can't love the kid more than me. But I can love the kid more then him. :) He got me flowers, he filled my car with balloons and got me a HUGE card with a box of chocolates....He's a keeper. Last weekend we went on a date to see Silver Lining Playbook then we went and ate at Longhorn steakhouse. IT was a good date. Hopfully there will be more where that came from. :) :)
Monday, January 21, 2013
Nesting finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I have said it. I am finally nesting. It has come to that point where I have no choice but to do so. It didn't come naturally, I had to force myself. I put a picture up on facebook of the crazy nursery I'll try to get it up on this blog. There was stuff all over the floor color splotches all over the walls. It looked pretty bad....I thought it was funny, others did not. So I decided to get my butt in gear. Paul and I have decided that we enjoy doing things...everything.......the hard way. :)
Nesting has consisted of
1.Finding a color for the walls
2. Stripping, sanding and painting (thank you Paul) the chest of drawers we had in the spare that we'll use for her dresser.
3. Putting in a white fan instead of brown. The brown one made the room look real dark.
4. Finding wooden letters for her name to put on the wall.
5. Putting together a book shelf thing that we got for a wedding gift. It will also go in her room.
6. Picked out fabric!! Finally. :)
So things are coming along...slowly.
Paul's mom is planning to come in next weekend to paint the room. Thank God! So I can check that off my check list. I have my first shower next week from my other home at Northwest, I can't wait to see those people. :)
Pregnancy:.....I feel really bad about complaining about it all the time but, I figured this is my blog and I'm telling the sucks. I cannot walk for any length of time without this GODLY amount of pressure in my pelvis area. Let me try to describe what it feels like. It feels like 60lbs of cinder blocks sitting in my pelvis trying to get out (her head) because of the amount of pressure my pelvis radiates heat!!!! It's pretty bad. Oh and this is a new and fun development, my right arm, every night at the same time hurts like a B****, during my nightly routine Paul has to massage it.
I would like to make a list of things you normal people should STOP right now taking for granted:
1. Bending over
2. Putting your shoes on (I procrastinate and DREAD putting my shoes on)
3. Reaching for something on the top shelf
4. Standing and cooking
5. Getting out of bed, off the couch, out of a chair and the tub
6. Putting pants on
I for one, will NEVER, EVER take any of those things for granted ever again.
I went to body pump the other day, I felt like a normal contributor to society once again. I was dying yesterday and today from the amount of soreness. But, in a way I liked it. :)
I think I have decided for sure to take all 12 weeks of my maternity leave. Even though we'll be out a whole pay check one month and half a pay check another week, I've heard it's worth it. If I go in on March 7th (her due date) it will be exactly 12 weeks on the last day of school. Soooooo I CANNOT have her early. I'll have to squeeze tight. ;)
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